Evaluating Pest Damage

Why You Should Have Your Lawn Treated for Pests

9 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Pests in your yard can be a nuisance. If you have a yard, most likely you have pests such as ticks, fleas, ants, and possibly other pests as well. These pests can make their way into your home, which then becomes even more of a nuisance for you. Hiring a professional pest control company to treat your lawn can help prevent these and other pests from becoming too much of a problem for you. Read More …

3 Misconceptions People Believe About Pest Control

7 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, you probably want your home to be clean, appealing, and free of any unwanted guests. Unfortunately, unwanted guests, such as bugs or rodents, do not have to induce feelings of fear or panic, since help is available. Of course, proper understanding is helpful if you want to prevent and reduce the risk of pests inside your home. This guide will explain a few common misconceptions regarding pests and pest control services. Read More …

How To Tell If You Have Cockroaches And What To Do About Them

4 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Cockroaches are an unpleasant house guest that you don't want hanging around your home. If you have cockroaches, you may not even be aware that they're in your home until you have a problem with them. A cockroach infestation is something you should leave to a professional. Read on for ways to tell if you have cockroaches in your home and what you can do about them. Streak Marks Streak marks or greasy marks on your walls, especially on the lower portions of your walls where cockroaches are crawling, are a good indication that you could have a problem. Read More …

3 Important Things to Do When You Have a Wild Animal in Your Home

29 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Have you recently moved from a very urban area to one that is more rural? Are you wondering how to deal with all of the wild animals that you see around your home? In general, wildlife usually wants nothing to do with people. We are big, noisy, and do scary things. On the other hand, sometimes animals become sick, injured, or are just too curious for their own good. When this happens, you'll want to know how to handle the situation so that neither you nor the animal(s) in question becomes hurt in the process. Read More …

How To Drive Bees From Your Business

26 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

It's never fun to have bees buzzing around in your business. Not only might they sting you while you're busy at work, but they often die and leave their bodies throughout your business. Some workers may even be hesitant to approach a particular area of your business for fear of being stung by a bee. Sometimes, it's even hard to figure out how they're getting inside in the first place. Read More …

About Me
Evaluating Pest Damage

Do you remember the last time you really evaluated your home for pest control problems? Although most people don't think too terribly much about pests, they really can wreak havoc on your home, especially over the span of several years. I began focusing more and more on pest control a few years back, and I came to the conclusion that there were some issues with termites in our basement. This blog is here for anyone who has questions about pest control, since it can help to read articles that address different aspects of keeping pests from running rampant inside your home.
